The Ode to Women exhibition March 8 to May 8, 2011
About the Ode to Women exhibition
Since autumn 2009 I have been at home making metal artworks for my upcoming exhibition. The debut exhibition may be the first one as well as the last! However, it is clear that to go forward with the next emerging artworks in my mind one has to give the handbags their own opportunity to shine.
I dedicate the exhibition to my mother who is naturally the most important woman in my life. I thank her for all the unselfish love which I have all these years been privileged to receive. The role model as a competent, encouraging independent woman, finding solutions also in the crisis situations, has been such a provision in my life to be able to sustain me even in the difficult times. I wish my mother pleasant, gentle old age days!
I graduated from Luksia with an artisan’s diploma in Crafts and Design at age 50 and then studied fine art casting for a year in Järvenpää. At the end of my studies in spring 2007 I received a commission to design a challenge cup for the Lohja Area Zonta Club. Thus came into existence a bronze handbag sculpture “Ode” presented for a year to a particularly active member. So came about an idea of an exhibition containing only handbags, which has finally come to fruition.
The exhibition features handbag sculptures made of metal using different methods. In addition to pewter, copper and bronze, recycled materials have been used in production of the handbags. The exhibition opens on International Women’s Day, March 8, and runs through Mother’s Day, May 8. International Women’s Day celebrates its centenary this year, so the opening date seemed especially fitting to the theme.
I wish my exhibition to bring together (female) groups, friends, colleagues or even couples to enjoy a moment in good company. The period from Women’s Day to Mother’s Day presents many possibilities for “a praise to women” to momentarily rise above the everyday routine together, to have then enough renewed strength to enjoy even the little joys of everyday life.
An Ode to Women!

Public voting in the "Ode to Women" exhibition
In the public voting of the most popular handbag artwork the clear winner was the already in the VIP opening most voted "Seduction of
glass factory".
"Milky Way" was the second popular artwork.
"Tradition cherishing" became the third with only one vote less than "Milky Way".

The prizes and the winners of the lottery
The first prize
"Red roses and champagne" handbag artwork was won by:
Henri Kestiö from Turku, Finland
(This handbag artwork was made specially for this purpose)
The second prize
Ateljee Emmi make-up course was won by:
Heli Kjellberg from Espoo, Finland
The third prize
Shoes from Ateljee Emmi by own choise was won by:
Paula van der Pals from Lohja, Finland

In the photo from the left Erja Siljamo from Ateljee Emmi, Heli Kjellberg, Aniko Sunset and Henri Kestiö. Paula van der Pals was not able to be present.